English below

Wichtige Auftraggeber

Mitglied von internationalen BeraterInnen-Teams für den Europarat und die Europäische Kommission zur Curriculum- und Kompetenzprofilentwicklung in der Aus- und Fortbildung von TrainerInnen.

Trainings, Moderationen und Facilitationen für:  Europarat, Europäische Kommission,, SALTO-Youth Resource Centers, WAGGGS-World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Interkulturelles Zentrum, INJEP, NA Portugal, JINT, British Council, AHA International Studying abroad, CPPP Centro Psicopedagogico per la Pace, EDUCON, Hogeschool Maastricht.


  • “Human Rights Memory” – Pädagogisches Spiel für Menschenrechtserziehung, Oktober 2012, in Englisch, Französisch und Italienisch, auf Anfrage erhältlich
  • “InterCultural Competence, Developed and demonstrated within the framework of Youth in Action – Research Report” publiziert von SALTO Cultural Diversity, British Council, März 2012 >>
  • “Facilitating Learning and Youthpass” – Handbuch für PädagogInnen, die das Anerkennungs-Zertifikat Youthpass in ihren Aktivitäten verwenden wollen; geschrieben für Interkulturelles Zentrum, Österreichische Nationalagentur für das Jugend in Aktion Programm, Dezember 2010 >>
  • “Learning to Learn, a competence for all adults” – Literaturstudie für Italien, 2009
  • “Compass – The Manual on human rights education with young people”, Europarat, Herausgeber der italienischen Übersetzung, September 2004
  • “T-Kit on Organisational Management” – a manual for youth workers and leaders in Europe, publiziert Juli 2000 in Englisch und Französisch durch den Europarat, Ko-Autorin >>
  • “Sulla via della cooperazione decentrata – Cittadinanza e territori” (“Auf den Weg der dezentralisierten Kooperation – Bürgerschaft und Territorien”, realisiert im Rahmen des Projektes Villaggio Globale (Globales Dorf) finanziert durch das italienische Aussenministerium, Ko-Autorin.
  • “Piano di sviluppo socio-economico” (Sozial-ökonomischer Entwicklungsplan)”, realisiert für die Nationalparkverwaltung Aspromonte, Autorin, 2005.


Ich habe vor allem in multikulturellen Teams gearbeitet in der Rolle als Forscherin, Evaluatorin, Trainerin, Lern-Facilitatorin, Moderatorin von events, Konferenzen und Projekten ebenso wie Coach und Mentorin für Individuen, kleine und große Gruppen, Organisationen auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene und Regierungsorganisationen.


  • Begleiten von Lern- und Entwicklungsprozessen
  • Entwicklung von Selbstlernkompetenz
  • Innovative und partizipative Lerndesigns
  • Entwicklung von Wandelkompetenzen
  • Aus- und Fortbildung von pädagogisch Handelnden
  • Leadership


Gründungsmitglied der folgenden professionellen internationalen Netzwerke

  • UNIQUE – Network for the Quality and Innovation of Education in Europe
  • REDU – Network on Human Rights Education
  • PAME AMBRO – going forward in the search for connections
  • ALP – Activating Leadership Potential

Mitglied von

Längere Auslandsaufenthalte

Rwanda 1995; Indien 1990 und 2011; Burkina Faso 1990; Belgien von 1994-1998, Albanien im Zeitraum 1992-1999 und in 2010; Niederlande von 1998-1999; England 1994, Libanon 2009; Japan 2012.

Extensive Reisetätigkeit in allen Regionen Europas.


Italienisch (Muttersprache), Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch


  • Geboren in Salsomaggiore Terme (Italien), 7.2.1964
  • Verheiratet, 2 Kinder (*2004 und 2005)
  • Derzeit lebend in Wien.

Aus- und Fortbildungen

Ich habe meine wesentlichen Kompetenzen vor allem durch meine Arbeit erworben. Die formellen Aus- und Weiterbildungen haben mir geholfen meine Erfahrungen zu kontextualisieren und mit Theorien zu verbinden.

  • 1999 “Master of Arts on Comparative European Social Studies” , London Metropolitan University, Vereinigtes Königreich
  • 1999 “Academic Degree on Social Studies”, Hogeschool Zuyd / Faculty of Social Sciences,
 Maastricht, Niederlande
  • 2011 Zertifikat in “The Coach Approach” by ©International Teaching Seminars, Vereinigtes Königreich


Member of international teams of experts for the development of competence profiles for training trainers for the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

Training and Facilitation work for:  Mindful self Compassion Italy, Mindful Compassionate Parenting, Council of Europe, European Commission, SALTO-Youth Resource Centers, WAGGGS-World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Intercultural Center, INJEP France, National Agency Youth for Europe Portugal, JINT, British Council, AHA International Studying abroad, CPPP Centro Psicopedagogico per la Pace, EDUCON, Hogeschool Maastricht.


  • “Mindful Compassionate Parenting – Handbook for parents” editor of the Italian version, 2021
  • “Inner pathways towards sustainability – stories of change for a mindful living on earth”, 2020
  • “Connecting Emotional Intelligence to Leadership Development”, a conceptual framework, writer and editor, 2019
  • “Emotional Intelligence in Youth Work” how to support young people facing the challenges of today, 2018
  • “Human Rights Memory” – Educational game for Human Rights Education designed for adult learning/training, October 2012, trilingual English, French and Italian, available on request
  • “InterCultural Competence, Developed and demonstrated within the framework of Youth in Action – Research Report” published by SALTO Cultural Diversity, British Council, March 2012 >>
  • “Facilitating Learning and Youthpass” – Manual for educators implementing Youthpass in their educational activities, written for Interkulturelles Zentrum, Austrian National Agency of the Youth in Action Programme, December 2010 >>
  • “Learning to Learn, a competence for all adults” – Literature review for Italy, 2009
  • “Compass – The Manual on human rights education with young people”, realised by the Council of Europe, editor of the Italian edition, September 2004
  • “T-Kit on Organisational Management” – a manual for youth workers and leaders in Europe, published July 2000 in English and French by the Council of Europe under the covenant on “Youth and Training” with the European Commission, co-author >>
  • “Sulla via della cooperazione decentrata – Cittadinanza e territori” (On the ay of decentralized cooperation – citizenship and territories”, realized in the framework of the project Villaggio Globale (Global Village) financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Cooperation and Development and the Emilia Romagna region, co-author.
  • “Piano di sviluppo socio-economico” (Social economic development plan)”, realized for the Ente Parco Nazionale Aspromonte, author, 2005.


I work prevalently with parents wishing to have a more balanced life for their own wellbeing and for their family and children – either in 1:1 session or in groups.

Previously I have largely worked in multicultural teams in the role of researcher, evaluator, trainer, facilitator of learning, moderator of events, conferences and projects as well as coach and mentor for individuals, small and big groups as well as for organisations at local, national and international level and governmental organisations.

Fields of work

  • Women empowerment
  • Facilitating of learning and development processes
  • Development of the learning to learn competence
  • Innovative und participative learning designs
  • Development of change competences
  • Training of teachers and trainers
  • Leadership development


Founder member of the following professional network

  • UNIQUE – Network for the Quality and Innovation of Education in Europe
  • REDU – Network on Human Rights Education
  • PAME AMBRO – going forward in the search for connections
  • ALP – Activating Leadership Potential

Member of

Prolonged experiences abroad

Rwanda in 1995; India in 1990 and 2011; Burkina Faso in 1990; Belgium in the period 1994-1998, Albania  in the period 1992-1999 and in 2010; The Netherlands in the period 1998-1999; UK in 1994, Lebanon in 2009; Japan in 2012, Madagascar in 2019, Colombia in 2024.

Extensively travelled in all European countries.


Italian (mother-tongue), English, French, German

Biographical facts

  • Born in Salsomaggiore Terme (Italy), 7.2.1964
  • Married, 2 Kinder (*2004 und 2005)
  • Currently living in Vienna

Education and training

I have acquired my key competences especially through my work. The formal studies and courses have helped me framing my experiences and linking them with theories.

  • In 2024 trained in EMA – Embodied Mindful Awareness
  • In 2021 certified MSC teacher
  • In 2021 certificate as Essential Emotions coach
  • In 2020 certificate Essential Emotion Mentor by Rebecca  Hintze
  • In 2019 teacher in “Mindful Self Compassion”
  • In 2018 “Mindful Compassionate Parenting Teacher training”
  • In 2016 trained in Social Presenting Theatre by Arawana Hayashi
  • In 1999 “Master of Arts on Comparative European Social Studies” by the London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
  • In 1999 “Academic Degree on Social Studies” by the Hogeschool Zuyd / Faculty of Social Sciences,
Maastricht, Nederland
  • In 2011 certificate in “The Coach Approach” by ©International Teaching Seminars, United Kingdom

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